Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Reverse Psychology


So while I contemplate actually making a post with noteworthy progress (hint: I won't), I thought it'd be funny to ask you guys a question you've asked us many times before.

When will this project be done?

It's been asked in many different shapes and forms, and our answer has been "we don't know". So, what I'm asking of YOU guys is to predict when YOU think the translation will be done. Just leave a comment like the example below with when you think the project will be finished. If you guess the date right, we may just have a special surprise for you! Make sure you're logged into some sort of account, too: if you're anonymous, I can't prove who you are because even IP addresses can change!

Name: That Dude***
Date: Month, Day, Year

Disclaimer: Must be 13 years or older to enter; try to limit flaming, spam, jokes (if I don't think it's funny, it's just not funny), etc., and try not to use a date already posted by someone else unless you'll have a mental block if you don't.

***Doesn't have to actually be your name.


  1. Name: Bryan B.
    Date: November, 13th, 2012

  2. Name:Charlotte D.
    Date: November 10th 2012

  3. Name: Gwennaƫl D.
    Date: February 20th, 2013.

    I try my chance, but I want to say that if all the dates posted are not correct, it's absolutely not a problem, because you have to take your time and you will only release when it's done seriously, and when it will be translated and the most important, tested. The translation for the patch is not all that needs to be done, a big test needs to be done to see if there are bugs or grammar faults etc as well which should take quite some time... Anyway, even if I put a date, if it's still not released, I will still wait because I am patient! Good luck anyway for the rest!

  4. Name: Gabriel R.
    Date: October 14th, 2012.

  5. Name: William W.
    Date: April 24th, 2012

    This is more wishful thinking then anything but it'd be cool if it came out on my B-day. whenever it comes out I'll be happy though. thanks for doing this translation.

  6. Mhm, sorry, I just realized a flaw in my thinking. I thought I could track you through IP addresses but then I remembered that those could change depending on various aspects so you now have to be signed into some account so that you can prove who you are later (assuming you get the date right). I've updated the first post accordingly--also added a note saying you don't have to use your real name.

    1. Also, in response to someone else's question, we don't know when it'll be finished (or else we'd have told you and this would be pointless), so we'll be looking back on these after we DO finish and we'll see if someone guessed it right and assuming we can contact them, reward them somehow (it'll be something Fire Emblem related, but that's all I can say).

    2. Name:B-L
      Date:August 17, 2012

    3. Your gonna buy us the super special fire emblem kakusei 3ds?!?!

  7. Name: Jaffar Volke

    Date: December 23, 2012

    Considering the fact on your progress and current speed you guys are at.

    email: mariolakita991@gmail.com, since I don't have an account!(sorry)

  8. i believe sometime in late summer or early fall, maybe December if you guys face a setback.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oh shit, didn't see the other guy. Uhh, September 1th, then!

  10. Name: HF makalov fanboy Kai
    Date: June/July 18th 2012

  11. Name: Paul H.
    Date: June 21st, 2012

  12. Name: Pilla D.
    Date: april 30, 2012

    That's my birthday date, may i'll get a nice gift fom you?

  13. Name:Phoneix k.
    Date:20 june 2012

  14. Name: Prince
    Date: February 20th, 2013

  15. Name: Kiki L.
    Date: April 31st, 2013

  16. Name: Kim N.
    Date: December 25th, 2012

  17. Nombre: Abner
    Date: The 4th of November
    Is that still cool to say nowadays?
    Do not have an account (might make one later though!)


  18. Name: Erick1294
    Date: May, the day 12. Year 2012 of course.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Opps... Somebody already took my first guess.

      Name: Zachary P.
      Date: July 4, 2012

  20. Name: Ronald D
    Date: Jan. 1st 2013

  21. Might as well use my birthday

    Name: Jespoke
    Date: October 11th 2012

  22. Name: Jon N
    Date: July ??, 2012
    No clue what the day would be but I'm guessing somewhere in july. You guys are rather epic for doing this. Keep up the good work!!

  23. Name : Yaacov
    Date : 12/12/12
    Because it's too good to let it go.

  24. Name : Gin
    Date : 23/8/12

    Don't really know, but I hope it will be somewhere about summer <:

  25. Name: Vergil
    Date: Never, out of spite (or 14th October, 2012).

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Name: Rinpoo
    Date: June 6 of 2012. My birthday ^_-

  28. Awww I've already been beaten to Christmas Day and New Year's Day, so...

    Name: Jacob Graham
    Date: 31st December 2012

  29. Another thing: how often is the progress page updated? Because that might contribute to why some people are questioning you about your progress.

    1. Very very very rarely. Told them they should update it more often a while back and the response wasn`t friendly.

      What they told me? They said there`s a date that says when it was last updated so it`s okay if it`s not up to date.

      Pretty much break the point of having this page in the first place but who am I to judge :P 19 feb 2012 last update (story up to 50% since then...maybe more)

    2. Sorry bro, didn't mean to be unfriendly. We update it when we can but uh, most of the guys on the team actually have lives... no wait, we all do, sadly, not having a social life would be so much less stress, so like, I can't update it very often, and the only other person who'd really be qualified to update it would be Vincent I think, and he's also very busy (he's the creator of Serenes Forest, and everyone knows how amazing that site is, and all the new FE13 info is a ton of work to keep up with). We'll update it when we make huge progress but we haven't had much to update with ATM, sorry. I have like 10 other online things I'm supposed to catch up on so after I finish those (God knows when) I'll stop by and update the progress page, and if I don't do it soon, please do make a comment reminding me, I check the comments here on my phone once in a while.

    3. Just saying that page is worthless since it's supposed to be where to go to know the progress of the translation and it doesn't serve that purpose. And if you are so busy as to not update that page, why make it in the first place? I just don't get it I suppose but hey I don't want to make you lose your time, you are very busy after all. lol.

    4. Why bother coming here then if you're just going to whine about it? It's really nice of these guys to translate the game for us, you can't expect them to put every minute of their lives to this site. I'm just grateful for their job with this, try to show some respect...

    5. @ChDa Obviously, I come here for the translation, I do appreciate the work they are doing.

      That being said, they keep saying they want this project to look like something official and so, I act as if it were. So when I was first answered roughly while I asked nicely, it kinda shocked me. Then, when they say they don't have time to update it, which really shouldn't take that much time to change a couple of number, well this doesn't look very much professional. Maybe I am asking a lot from them but I don't take those answer as good answer from any other "official project".

      Also, Blazer have shown a lot of people disrespect on this Blog and I don't think that because he manage it, it allow him to do as he please. So I'll show him respect and he show everyone some respect.

      That all being said, most of you will probably think I am an asshole or something along those lines. Truth be told I probably said things out of line, nobody is perfect. In the end though, this really is a good project which will help me understand more than the main lines of the story as my Japanese is pretty bad. So I do appreciate the work of everyone who's linked to the project. Good job.

  30. Name: exCLOUDyGH a.k.a. Cloudy...
    Date: 05/Oct/2013

  31. name: billyjiminibob
    date: tomorrow 6.15 pm cet

  32. Name: Ty A. Arnold
    Date: January 12, 2013

  33. Jwmalone from the forums

    *dumb roll*
    The official/unofficial release date IS!

    November 27th 2012!!!


    *bells whistles and confetti*

  34. Name : Jon Doe
    Date : Sometime before the EU release of Fire Emblem Awakening

  35. Name: General Archibald Wattson III
    Date: Considering that you're halfway through the chapters as-is, and with some degree of insider knowledge on the technical stuff, I'd estimate a June/July release. Just in time for summer gaming!

    1. that would be sweet

      the summer gaming part, and the translation being done by then part


  36. July 12, 2012 sounds good. I'd be satisfied with that day :3

    1. I thought your name was Mike Skrimir when I first read it. That would have been an awesome name.

  37. Ralph T.
    Dec. 25, 2012 [a christmas gift for us XD]

  38. It'll be -done- on September 17th, but not released until near the end of that month. My oracular pig ate the stick that would have told me -why- this will happen. :/

  39. It's not going to be either of the two last dates, guaranteed. I will personally delay or rush the release if need be.

    1. Huh, the way you worded that makes it sound like you expect those to be reasonable bookends for the release window. :3

    2. no you're reading into things too much

  40. Name: Yuufa
    Date: 27th November 2012

  41. Name: violent
    Date: June 15th 2013

  42. Name: @NiceThai
    Date: February 27, 2013

    just pick my birthday lol

  43. Name: Bee

    Date: Dec 20, 2012

  44. Name: Jeorge
    Date: 3rd March 2013

    Keep up with the fantastic work. A lot of people appreciate your dedication to the project.

    1. Me again. The link doesn't work for my name, so if it doesn't for this one either, then change the %3F into ? and %3D into = then it should work XD

      The same can be applied to Arch. Sorry if you already knew that, but I wanted to be sure.

    2. I didn't though I prob could have figured it out, so yeah, thanks ;)

  45. Name: Kaire
    Date: 1 day before Nintendo releases an English port.

    Nintendo will sell no copies of this FE, because your translation will be better. Keep up the good work, guys. :3

  46. Name: Klint-psk
    Date: 25 12 2012

    I'm a romhacker and translator too, and I am translating to spanish (what a coincidence!) Fire Emblem 3, so I can estimate the time you should spend in finishing this project. Also, it would be a nice Christmas gift :3

    1. that sounds awesome though I guarantee it won't be a Christmas gift XP

  47. email: huntlucifer@naver.com (no account XD)
    Name: Bored Asian
    Date: July 15th of the 2012th year of Ano Domini (in case others use other time lines)
    Comment(s):I'm guessing the correct guesser(s) will get a prize like first one to play the game... or something better?

  48. Name: Laughing Octopus
    Date: May 5th 2013
    Email: death.by.boredom@hotmail.com (don't have an account sorry)

    Only way I'll be wrong is if this comes on October 10th 2012 (or 2013) :D
    or if I'm wrong too :3

  49. Name: Eon Ike
    Date: August 27 2012

    I only hope it could be ready in this year n__n

  50. Name: Stew
    Date: ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!
    This way, i cant be wrong! :P

  51. Name: Gunter
    Date : December 9th, 2012

  52. Name: _____
    Date: Before the USA release (I hope so)

  53. Date: July 13, 2012

  54. Name:Karel Kazuki(or sometimes Karel_Kazuki)
    Date: December 21, 2012 (an unfortunate day perhaps) but really, I'm shooting for October 22, 2012.I think you guys are working diligently enough to translate it before September, and beta test it enough to have a working version before the end of the year. Great job guys, I wish I knew how to do this work honestly.

  55. dark_shigeru_miyamoto(at)hotmail.comApril 23, 2012 at 10:54 PM

    Name: Poustic
    Date: December 24th, 2012

  56. Name:Brandon
    Date November 12t, 2012

  57. I believe in the phrase "Accept everything and expect nothing."

    I have no idea when you may finish this hack, nor if you will break apart and never finish it.

    I am waiting with bated breath.

  58. Name: Zach
    Date: December 22, 2012

    You'll kick it into high gear when the end-of-the-world prophecies start looking to be true, but unfortunately, when the fatal day hits, there will be one major issue left that you just can't release without fixing. Then the world *won't* end, and, the stress suddenly relieved, you'll see an obvious solution to the problem.

    A highly unlikely guess, and probably overdone, but oh well.

  59. If it's not too late

    Name: GianMarco
    Date: June 30

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Name: dead_dude619@hotmail.com
    Date: June 23
