Friday, September 2, 2011

A New Member Has Appeared...


I joined the team recently as a graphical assistant and I'd just like to say "Hi!" to everyone and to show some progress. Zak did the english version of this "Multiplayer Battles" background image and then I helped to insert it into the game.

...hey, this whole screenshot is in english now! Doesn't that look cool?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My bad with the first comment, sorry! Hello to you too, thanks for introducing yourself! Great to see a new member on this team, I really hope this helps with the speed of inserting the text into the game! It looks really well done and professional to me, so keep up the good work!

  3. Nice job so far! I can't wait to see the final product y'all produce <3

  4. Awesome guys, a big TY from a fellow Swedish FE fan.

  5. The orange "flags change color" bit is a little ugly. You shouldn't use anti-aliasing at small resolutions.

  6. We have hacking limitations to worry about bro, Zak does what he can. If one isn't a graphic artist s/he probably won't notice and this hack doesn't cater to graphic artists, so unless it's blatantly obvious, it'll just have to be tolerated. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that it can't really be helped... if we ever want to finish this, anyway. Just saying. *shrug*

  7. Adding to what Blazer said, Shadow Dragon also had anti-aliasing for the "flags change color" text.

  8. The orange text a little out of place, yeah, but it's not exactly terrible. I think it looks just fine.

  9. Did it? I never compared. Though I'm more for making things look good as opposed to consistency when it comes to such a minor detail--AKA consistency in general, look-good afterwards.

    @Kiki we had to move it down cuz of the English text above it (in the normal font) which takes up more space than the original Japanese. Unfortunately.

  10. Welcome and Good luck translating I am definitely looking forward to the final product. Also if the final product is great I will be putting a review with a link to you guys on my site. (whenever the final product is done.)

  11. Awesome!
    Now I only wish I had something more constructive to say say...

  12. First off: You're really doing a great job here! Seriously, it's just amazing how fast you guys work. I'm really greateful to you that you translate that game so others can enjoy it. :3~

    Second: It's nice to meet you, NTG. Also to you, thank you for your hard work. :3~

    Third: Well, I have a question... You see, I downloaded the latest patch from here, did what the Patching Instructions told me, started the game and made MyUnit. Well, then I noticed that the names weren't displayed - or to be more accurate, only the first letter of the names were shown. For Katarina stands only a J, for Luke a L, and so on an so forth. Is this normal or is it just my emulator/file/whatever? I would be really grateful for a response!

  13. Just wanted to pop in and say great job with everything. Although we all want it done right now, I'm still amazed by how much you all have already done. So good job, give yourselves a pat on the back and keep working ;).

  14. Last anonymous who posted: Don't worry at all for your third question, I have the same issue as well, only the first letter of the name appear. I suppose it is completely normal, as I'm not the only one to have this problem, and as I didn't make anything wrong with the patch.

  15. Oh, really? Okay, then I'm reassured. Thank you for your response, Barbatos. *and yeah, I'm that Anonymous one, haha |D~*

  16. @Yuufa it's temporary and will be fixed in the final patch (we already fixed it but decided not to release a new patch due to various OTHER complications)

  17. so i guess the dialogue will be the very last thing in this project

  18. great! cant wait for the final patch!

  19. awesome more help. If I had any talent I would help too. You guys keep rocking and moving this translation along. And never forget to alot of people you are heroes.

  20. Hi. I am very exited to finally be able to play this game, but I am having trouble patching: when I try to patch it, it says "xdelta3: file open failed: read: C:\Users\...\Fire Emblem - Shin Monshou no Nazo: Access is denied"

    As far as I can tell, all of the files from the patch have full permissions. I run a windows vista.
    I can't figure out how to fix this, please help!

  21. Nvm, I figured it out myself. There was an extra file in the rom folder

  22. Probably random, but, looks like there is a new FE coming out for 3DS! Here it is, and I'm sorry if links aren't allowed, thought I should share the news here though.

  23. Best news I've heard all week. It looks awesome as well, even though (what appears to be) the main girl has a row of buttons for a hat.

  24. Thanks a lot.I'm rooting for you guys.I like you all.Ganbatte!
    Keep it up~

  25. When is the next patch coming out?

  26. a looooong time from now, when the game is finished
