Sunday, December 18, 2011

Poll Results Summary


A summary of some recent polls since nothing else is going on publicly (everyone is hard at work behind the scenes):

Fire Emblem 7 and 8 are the most played games, being almost equal. Given Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones' release for the 3DS Ambassador program, FE8 might get a little more playing done for it than FE7. FE9 and FE10 follow a little behind, with FE4 being the most commonly played "old generation" game (i.e. between FE1-5). Unsurprisingly a good portion of people have played FE6 despite it being a Japan-only release due to the long-time existent translation patch for it.

While a majority of people will NOT use the game's online functions, we intend to do whatever we can to make it so people CAN use it in English, to the best of our capability. The poll was close anyway, and we tend to favor doing a good job over a lazier one, so unless the poll said like 90% of people won't use online functions, we'd still end up translating it.

Lastly, Marth and Lyn are the two most wanted Fire Emblem characters in the next Super Smash Bros. game, followed by a good portion of people wanting the return of Ike, with decent support for Hector, Ephraim, Eirika, Roy, and Micaiah (other main characters, really).


  1. For the most recent poll, is it possible to spead out anima to Fire, Thunder and Wind? I don't like Anima that much, but I love Wind magic from FE4-5

  2. Playing Sacred Stones on my 3DS right now. So glad an FE game was included in the ambassador program x3

  3. FE8 is so lovely, best Fire Emblem in my opinion due to the world map. FE3DS shall better impress/.

  4. I thought about that but it'd result in far too many options. I'd also get the reverse complaint, that people would like anima in general but not fire/winder/thunder and you can only vote for one option (having multiple options would make the point of a "favorite" not nearly as pointful, to say the least).

  5. Vanitas: I'm sure it will. That is, if it gets localized. Otherwise, Blazer and co. will be busy for much much longer D:

  6. It's strange the fact that many people complained that Roy was replaced for Ike in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but not many people want the return of Roy in the next Smash Bros.
    Anyway good luck with the translation!!! ;)

  7. so... is there gonna be any kind of christmas release or anyhting (srry if i seem impatient :P)

  8. no, for the billionth time we're releasing the patch when it's completely done

    also I don't even celebrate Christmas, so fuck favoring one religion over another.

  9. Blazer, why do you hate America? =D

  10. yeah! whats wrong with us americans!?

  11. Because he hates Christmas doesn't mean he hates America. That or I have forgotten something completely. But anyhow, how dare you feeable-minded folks not wish for the return of Roy!?

  12. @Ian, because they played FE6.

  13. >___> What's with the sudden accusations of me hating Americans?

    1) I AM American lol.
    2) I'm not ignorant enough to hate an entire nationality, society, and culture. Especially based off of just a few flaws.
    3) Roy needs to be returned. But with a more awesome move set. His final smash should be him using the Sword of seals to create a huge pillar of flame, like his critical in FE6, but on a much larger scale. And since we don't want Ike having fire powers too, Ike should use blue flames (like the end-game cut-scene shows) instead of red flames. :P

  14. You know what, I hope FE7 Marcus is in the Smash Bros. game. xD

  15. I think they should put hector, and his final smash could be giant lightning

  16. That'd be pretty epic. I'd love to see him owning with Armads in hand. Not sure how "canon" the lightning effect would be but it'd sure as heck be awesome if he just swung the axe and it produced bolts of lightning everywhere. Or if say his whole body and weapon were enveloped in electricity and he was invincible, just swinging at everyone and inflicting massive damage (kind of like how ROB shoots that laser all over).

  17. I've ALWAYS been a fan of Hector, so I was surprised he wasn't included in the SSB series- but I hope they do, since it'll change things up, axe wielder and all.

  18. While I do agree with you, I have a feeling he's too old to be included.

  19. You guys work so hard. I'm very grateful!! I just got the Japanese Version of the game, and my meager Japanese is NO WHERE good enough to read any of this. (why are there so many kanji?!?) but thanks so much for all the work you guys are doing! I will be anticipating when this work will finally get released. Have strength!

  20. Hang on...I commented just the other day. Where has my comment gone?

  21. No fire emblem character is to old to be included in ssbb

