Friday, December 7, 2012

Help with patching (v3.01)

If you have any problems applying the translation patch, feel free to post here.

Before you post, make sure you read the HELP AND INSTRUCTIONS thoroughly and carefully!

Also, please mention your emulator/flashcart of choice and operating system when seeking help!


  1. Is everything that was previously mentioned fixed in this patch? Such as the graphical glitches and/or all the typos?!

    1. Wrong place, but yes if it was crossed off the list!

  2. I doesn't work in my TTDS linker (error code = 4) the clean rom work perfectly.

    1. You need to update your TTDS firmware. Scroll down till you find what you need.

      Also, someone might want to put this link somewhere more prominent?

    2. I'm having the same issue (after applying the new firmware)

      any suggestions as to what still could be wrong?

      (thanks in advance)

    3. What is the version or your Ysmenu?

    4. Sorry,I wrote 'or'.I wanted to write 'of'

    5. I can confirm patch 3.01 works on these versions

      TTMenu/YSMenu v6.96
      DSTT/YSMenu DATs v6143

      It plays the intro and loads to the menu.

    6. I know its been a long time since this patch has been discused but, im using DSTTi DSTT YSMenu V7.05 on my TTDS card and it is saying [Rom loading failed] load rom errcode=-5 please reset system. Ive seen errcode 4 but not -5. If someone could help, I would apreciate it!

  3. I tried to download the game, but when i extract the files the clean game that is supposed to be patched is too small- 108 instead of the 128 it is supposed to be- and when the patch thing comes up, it tells me the source file is too short. Could you please help?

    1. 108 MB? How odd, I've never seen a FE12 ROM that size.

      I can only suggest trying a different ROM site, I'm afraid, until you find the 128 MB one.

    2. I had a friend try to download it, as well, and she told me she had the exact same issue...

    3. I am having the same problem. I am getting this error when I try to patch the game:xdelta: source file too short: XD3_INTERNAL

  4. I just made this for fun...,0,300x269/

  5. Hey, for some reason I cant patch the game. It says I'm missing MSVCR100.dll does anyone know what that exactly is refering to?

    1. This was discussed when people were having trouble with the 3.0 version of the patch. Look to an earlier post on this site

      (or better yet look here: )

  6. Not allowing me to drag files. I have the rom, emulator, and patch; just can't move the rom over the DRAG CLEAN ROM HERE.bat.

    1. I did the same thing; just put them into a regular Windows/Mac/whatever folder, instead of a winrar-esque folder.

      I felt really stupid too :/

  7. Just figured I'd let people know. I'm on Linux Mint, so obviously I have a slight hitch with simply dragging and dropping a file onto a Windows batch file. I looked at the batch file to see how it all fit together, did some googling, and got it to work, so for anyone else on Linux, here's what to do. Obviously, you'll need WINE, but that goes without saying.

    Pop open terminal and navigate to the directory where you have the patching tools extracted with your Japanese ROM. Then, just use the following command: "wine xdelta.exe -dfs *romname* *output romname*". It'll pop up a few unknowable error messages, but the end result will be a complete patched ROM, just as if you'd done the process on Windows.

  8. I have the 128 MB sized ROM, but whenever I try dragging and dropping it, I'm told the following:

    "xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT
    xdelta3: normally this indicaes that the source file is incorrect
    xdelta3:please verify the source file with sha1sum or equivalent"

    I have no idea why it's telling me this. Should I pursue another the ROM of the same size elsewhere or is there something I'm not doing correctly? All files were extracted and the ROM is in the same folder. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Not sure if this is my R4DS (with Wood) or Micro SD card freaking out, but occasionally, the game would randomly delete Map/Chapter saves on resetting. And not even corrupt the whole file, I'd still get one or two save slots still saved, but others would be deleted, for seemingly no reason at all.

    Occasionally I'd have the game revert to an earlier stage in time; I'd clear one chapter, make copies of the saves, and then one reset later I'd still have the saves when I just booted it earlier that day.

    I don't know if it has to do with WoodR4, the R4 flashcart, the MicroSD card, the game, or if the gods simply like fucking with me, but I'd at least want to know what's causing this...

  10. The original rom works on my flash cart but the patched doesn't. I got my flashcart on

  11. Just posting a little fix if anyone is having problems playing their ROM on the DeSmuME emulator and is getting a black screen on the bottom touchpad screen:

    Go to Config > 3D Settings > Tick "Unrealistically High-Precision Color Interpolation"

    This should fix the black screens :)

  12. mi dice che manca il file MSVCR100.dll , cosa devo fare?

  13. È necessario installare Microsoft Visual C + + 2010 Redistributable Package

  14. Hey, weird question here: since NoA has confirmed MU's default name to be "Kris," rather than "Chris," are there any plans to change this?

  15. Hello, I am unable to run the game as my r4i-sdhc is not up to date i get errcode=-4. I am not going to update my r4i as the place i bought it from warned me not to update it as i don't know what i am doing. Could someone give me the link for 2.0.1? Hopefully i will not have errcode-4 when i use that.. the Jap rom runs perfectly fine. Good job on the patch btw!

  16. That's exactly my problem! Did you get yours at the
    website on the comment above yours?

    Also, 2.0.1 is just a menu translation.

  17. is it suppose to be .delta?
    how do i get into .ips?

  18. Delta is just like ips except you use a delta patcher, not an ips patcher.

  19. Is it possible to play the game on a real NDS or is it only programmed to run on emulators? Thank you.

  20. I am getting this error when I try to patch the game:xdelta: source file too short: XD3_INTERNAL


  22. When I try to put the rom into the drag clear rom file here, a little window pops up saying "This application has failed to start because MSVCR100.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem." I did what it said for the last sentence 10 TIMES and this message keeps popping up! Help Me Please!!


    Download this firmware-

  24. Anyone here think that there will be a 3DS emulator available in 2013? Seems like Nintendo is keeping a more watchful eye these days...

  25. So I have the Japanese ROM in one Winrar folder, the English patch in the other. I drag the Japanese ROM over, and it transfers; the original file (the Japanese one) does not change, and there is no command prompt when I drag and drop. The game runs fine on my DeSmuMe; it's just in Japanese. I have read through all of the instructions, and the bonus content, and this forum. Again, I am using Winrar and a DeSmuMe emulator (which works fine).

    Is there any way you can help me? Am I doing something wrong?

  26. Try extracting both the patch's folder and the rom and try again.

  27. I downloaded the Japanese rom to test if that would work before I applied the patch, and it didn't. I have an r4i sdhc I opened the file it loaded then it went to a white screen. Please don't tell me to update firmware, because I've tried that a few times and then my r4 card won't even start and just says "menu?".

  28. I downloaded the latest version, extratced it and when i tried cleaning it, it is saying:
    xdelta3: source file too short: XD3_INTERNAL
    The xdelta patching utility was unable to apply the patch. Make sure to use the original (unpatched, untrimmed) ROM and extract all of the patch files to the same folder before running this.

    Please help me???

  29. I am unable to download Fire Emblem 12 Translation Patch v3.01 I keep getting the


    You don't have permission to access /download/ on this server.

    Please help with this thank you.

  30. I use the R4i Advance flashcart, the unpatched games runs fine but the patched version shows the errcode=-4, I'm using the last firmware update form

  31. I have no issues with the translation patch but how exactly do I use it? Or do I have to actually buy the game?

  32. When I drag the xdelta.exe to where it says to drag the command window says that it is too short. What does that mean? What am I doing wrong?

  33. I keep getting the MSVCR100.dll error, even though I've installed Microsoft's Visual C++ 2010 like I'm supposed to. What else would cause that error, and how can it be fixed?

  34. Is it possible that my computer is too weak to run this program?

  35. hello :) thanks a lot for this patch :)

    I'am french, and i would like play in french ... it's possible to work on your translate english text for make a french patch ?

  36. Is there anyway we could get a video on how do do this?

  37. i tried putting the unpatched rom in the drag clean rom here and its says that its unable to find the xdelta patching utility

  38. Everything went well up until I tried to load up the game on my R4I-SDHC, every time i tried to load it the screen would simply go white. any suggestions?

  39. I have the ROM unzipped and in a separate folder, the Emulator, and the patch, but I can't drag the folder to the Batch File. Same goes for the file inside. Help!

  40. I'm not good with this techy stuff :/ Can someone create a direct ROM for me? Then put it in dropbox or something? XD Thanks!

  41. You're not the first one to ask for that. If you'll look a few posts up, there's a link to Mega I posted a while ago.
    If you have any questions once you start, you should probably go to the Serenes Forest forums. After all, I'm the only one who still checks this site, and I wasn't on the team or anything.

  42. I can't seem to find the game on DraStic it just doesn't show up

  43. I cant even drag the rom onto the patch, it won't even let me. I have windows 8.

    1. Look a couple posts up to my reply to Allan Tran. I uploaded a pre-patched file to Mega, since a lot of people have been having some variation of this problem. Don't forget to use the save file included with the original patch file, as it's the only way to get the DLC after the end of DS Wi-Fi.
      Any further questions should be directed to the Serenes Forest forums, since none of the HoS check this site anymore. Or anyone other than me.

  44. Why can I not start the game at all?

    1. Be more specific. What exactly are you doing and exactly how far does the game get? What emulator are you using, and what ROM did you patch? Is it just a black screen, or do a few things appear before you can't progress?

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I posted a link to a pre-patched ROM on Mega a few posts above. Just download that and use it directly instead of patching it yourself. I don't know why, but more than a few people have had patching problems. :/
      Don't forget to start the game using the save file provided with the original patch. It's the only way to get the DLC now that DS Wi-Fi is dead.
      Have fun!

  46. How do i patch it on Android?

    1. I don't think you can patch it directly on Android. Instead, you should patch it on the computer and then move the patched ROM to the Android device. Or if you can't do that, try using the pre-patched version I posted to Mega several posts up.

    2. I tried to use the mega download. It kept sending me to the mega app. I only have a android device. I don't have a computer. So I got the mega app. Now what?

    3. I'm not familiar with the Mega app, but presumably it will allow you to download that file, which is the patched ROM.

    4. Thank you for the link. I got it working! Thank you so much!

    5. Glad to be of service.

    6. Can someone please upload the patched Rom to somewhere other than Mega because it doesn't work for me.

    7. Do you have the mega link!?

  47. Hey Turtleman579, soon im going to buy an r4, to be more precise: R4I Dual Core 2014 Con Micro SD 8GB PARA Nintendo Ds Lite, DSI, DSI XL, NINTENDO 3D. Its spanish, i know, i'm from venezuela, so here's the question. There's this link: that says in it's list that it can play fire emblem 12 in english so I was wondering if I have to follow some kind procedure to get this game up and running in english! I have NDS Lite!

    1. It's been a while since I've used my flashcart, but I played the game exclusively on my Acekard 2i and never had a problem. On a DSi or 3DS, sometimes the flashcart will have problems with a new firmware update breaking it, but that's not a concern on a DS Lite. All you have to do is patch the ROM on your computer normally, put it onto the microSD card (it looks like yours comes with a USB adapter for this), and then load it off the flashcard. Nothing special.

      Of course, if you have any trouble, I'd be happy to help as much as I can.

    2. Can someone please post an actually link to the Instruction because i cant find them

    3. Sorry for the delay, school is starting.
      The Help and Instructions is actually a .txt file included with the patch in the zip folder, not a webpage. The gist is this: On PC, drag the clean ROM onto the file called "DRAG CLEAN ROM HERE". On Mac, use the program MultiPatch from . Specify the original ROM, the patch file (, and the output destination.

  48. I'm trying to download this onto an android phone, but the rom patcher I'm only works with .ips and .ups files - does anyone know of a way to deal with this?

    1. There is no way to patch this on an Android. It is only meant to be patched on a computer, and then placed on the device of your choice. If that's not an option, here is a link to download an already patched ROM:!HZdkga7S!5JGOaFW-0HuixrxdtztxxX8AQ1ADuPKe8wrdCgcJ51k

    2. What is the decryption key to the file.

  49. So I was able to successfully apply the patch using Multipatch (OS: Mac, Emulator: Openemu), but what do I with it? It has it listed as a separate file, and when I try dragging it into Openemu, nothing happens. So what do I do? Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance!

    1. Make sure the file in question is a .nds file. If it's not, you did something wrong.
      If it is a .nds file, try downloading the original ROM from another source; some sites have a corrupted version of the ROM.
      If you're still having trouble, the problem is probably Openemu. Openemu uses Desmume to emulate DS games, so true using Desmume directly:
      That's the emulator I use, although I'm on PC.
      Failing that, try the Serenes Forest forums. The webmaster is VincentASM, also known as this project's head, AveynKnight. Also, they have a lot of members who can help you, while the only one active here is me.

  50. When I do what I'm told, this happens:

    1. (Since I can't edit my comment) I was gonna use Desmume but I still can't know what is happening.

    2. Nevermind, I solved the problem ^^'

  51. Hey, can you please tell me how this works? Like, step by step installation?

  52. When I dragged the clean ROM into the patch, it says, "The program can't start because MSVCR100.dll is missing from your computer."

    What to I do?

    1. I know this is quite late, but I had the same issue, at first. Here's what I did for anyone having this issue in the future;

      download MSVCR100.dll online, then simply drag it to the same folder that ' DRAG CLEAN ROM HERE ' is in. After that, patching should be exactly how it's supposed to be!
      ( I'm on windows 10, just so you know. )

  53. My PC is Windows 10 64-bit, and for whatever reason, when I tried to drag the Fire Emblem - Shin Monshou no Nazo Hikari to Kage no Eiyuu (v01)(DSi Enhanced) (J) Rom that I downloaded from emuparadise onto DRAG CLEAN ROM HERE, it wouldn't work.

  54. My PC is Windows 10 64-bit, and for whatever reason, even though I did all the steps to path the game, when I pulled it up in desmume, the text was still in Japanese. What could be wrong?

  55. How about for Drastic emulator of android

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  58. What is the decryption key to the mega file rom

  59. I'm on a iPad and I'm using nds4ios. I tried using zip tool to add the patch, but I can't figure it out. Does anyone here know how? Or does anyone know a downloadable translated version?

  60. Doctor’s Best Fucoidan hiện được coi là một trong những loại thuốc phòng ngừa và điều trị ung thư tốt nhất trên thị trường, Cách uống fucoidan được hàng triệu người sử dụng và tin tưởng. Thuốc Fucoidan giá bao nhiêu Doctor’s Best Fucoidan là sản phẩm hỗ trợ điều trị và phòng ngừa ung thư được nhiều chuyên gia và bác sĩ khuyên dùng. Tác dụng của thuốc Fucoidan Sản phẩm được sản xuất trên công nghệ hiện đại của Mỹ, Thuốc Fucoidan có tốt không? đảm bảo các tiêu chuẩn nghiêm ngặt của tổ chức FDA Mỹ về hiệu quả và độ an toàn. Best Fucoidan có thành phần chính là Fucoidan chiết xuất từ tảo biển và sợi nấm Agaricus.

  61. This is a very good article material and it is very useful for us all. thank you .

  62. No matter what I do, the rom won't translate. And I have read the Help and Instructions file. Help?

  63. If anyone has trouble patching again, the pre-patched ROM is now here:!bZsHFbpC!5JGOaFW-0HuixrxdtztxxX8AQ1ADuPKe8wrdCgcJ51k
    I don't really check here anymore, so if this link goes down, I probably won't notice. Sorry.

    1. Doesn't work for me. Could you upload it to somewhere else?

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  65. I have no PC, I play my ROMs in Android. I tried to patch my Japanese Rom by Unipatcher,an app of android, but it sends me the message "unknown patch format". My question is: how could I play FE New Mystery of the Emblem for Nintendo ds in English with my cellphone if I cannot patch it? I used more patchers apps, but I keep getting that error message. Greetings and I hope to receive an answer soon.

    1. Yo. If you haven't found it already, a dude that goes by Turtle Man posted a mega link to a prepatched rom some posts up. 4 years ago I had the same problem as you. I played all the ds Fire Emblems on my android too. Turtle Man helped me out, so I'll help you out. Happy trails my friend

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. So i'm trying to download this game, but when i try to move the "clean" version to the "move clean rom here" it says that its invalid and that its too short. how can i fix this?

    1. oh and i'm using desmume and i have a windows 7

    2. Yo, Turtleman posted a link to a MEGA prepatched ROM a few posts up, Just use that.

  68. If anyone else has any issues, I frequent this particular board. I'm not a member of the team and have near zero practical experience, but I'll do my best to assist.

  69. i am having problems getting this to work on an r4goldproSDHC any help or what should i do

    1. Have you tried TurtleMans mega link? Its prepatched, used it myself, so if it doesn't work its something on your end. Good kuck

  70. patch doesn't work for me on Mac. Multipatch just says 'invalid input' when I try to apply it. I made sure that the patch file and the game file itself were the right way around and I tried both the patched file format to .nds and .delta but nothing works

    1. Hello fellow human trying to get this to work in 2022, someone made a pre-patched version up above and having just downloaded it I can confirm it works!!!! Heres the link for convivence sake!

    2. Just downloaded it and it runs great, this is the biggest win for American Fire Emblem fans since Blazing Blade!

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  73. Hey, I know this is old, but how do I patch it? It says the file is delta, but I need to use XDelta files. I use DeSmuME as an emulator.

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