Monday, November 26, 2012

Good news

Aveyn Knight

Thanks to Prof. 9 on the GBATemp forums, we now have a fix for the character names getting cut off in dialogue. YEEEAH!

As such a new patch (version 3.01) will probably be released soon, as soon as our lovely beta testers make sure it doesn't totally break the game on flashcarts or something. If there are any other issues with the patch, please continue forwarding them here, thanks!

Also, I passed my driving exam! If you were around earlier on, you might remember an unfortunate accident(?) with a dog, which probably never happened. This time, it definitely didn't happen, so woohoo!

And before you wonder, no, I'm not that young I'm afraid. I wish I was, but I've just been putting off learning driving.


  1. Hell yeah that's tight! But I must ask that you guys get rid of the arrow in the knee joke in the extra chapter with Rickard. I meant it's like it it ruined my day or anything, but I did expect better than that.

    1. yeah, I expected better too, I never even saw it

      *shot by Vincent for being mean* *shot by TheEnd for not testing that*

    2. I found it funny

    3. I thought it was kind of funny by the standards of arrow in the knee jokes. Whatever that means.

      Problem was, I thought the rest of that sequence was actually legitimately funny, so it stuck out as annoying and "fan translation-y".

      Remember the Thracia 776 "translation"? I don't really want another one of those. Though everything else in the translation has been great thus far. It stands out when there's a flashback to dialogue from Shadow Dragon, and it feels like the same style of dialogue in the game.

    4. I agree with the other two anons. That stupid overused "arrow to the knee" joke wasn't funny the first time, and it's definitely not funny now. I mean, seriously, did you guys really have to put it in my favorite Fire Emblem game (tied with FE9) that badly?!

    5. it was pretty funny the first time actually :/

    6. I never found the "arrow in the knee" funny. I found the inclusion of it in the game funny. It is not in the main game, so I don't see it as making the game "fan translation-y." Just leave it in, doesn't hurt nothing and a waste of time to remove it.

    7. My two cents on the issue:

      IMO, Arrow in the knee was 'unintentionally' funny, in context. (Then again, I find glitches and weird NPC behavior hilarious. Not sure why) Out of context, not so much.

      But the main problem I have with it here is it doesn't suit the character of the game. Fire Emblem does not do pop culture references. It just doesn't. This joke WOULD work in something like Ace Attorney. Their localizations refference internet memes all the time, and that's what players have come to expect. A refference like that in an AA game would be accepted. In a FE game it just feels jarring.

    8. ^This explains the issue best.

      I THINK Fire Emblem DID a Pop culture reference. You guys know how some Fire Emblem games contained a duo of Bandit twins ever since FE6? (Think Pain and Agony from FE10)

      The Twins of Fire Emblem Awakening's Bandit duo are named Handsome and George. They were both in that Gold & Silver DLC Chapter. Near the end of the DLC, they started talking...while using ENGLISH a Japanese Game...

      I thought it was legitimately funny. At the end of the conversation, George said, "FUUU!!" I THINK he was referencing the meme, considering he said it in English, but I'm still not sure. But, if he was, then THAT was WAY funnier than any stupid "arrow in the knee" will ever be.

    9. That's called Gratuitous English. It's very common in Japanese media. English is basically the go-to there when they need a "cool foreign language". Of course those bits are generally really hard to translate. The closest equivalents in English media are French and Spanish.

      But I think that's a little different from pop culture refferences. I doubt the Japanese have heard of many english-language memes. (They have their own FE memes like "Shikoku House" and apparently Vyland, and probably don't hold the 3-13 Archer in as high regard as we do)

  2. Hopefully this new patch will fix the flashcart issue :)

    1. What issue?

      And probably not. Unless we really screwed something up, any issue on flashcarts should be an issue with the flashcart and not the patch.

    2. [s]if anything it'd be more likely to cause issues[/s]

  3. Cool!

    I don't care!

    Someone else probably does!

  4. heyyy man dont feel bad... im 43 my dl expired in '02 n since i aint got a car i never got it renewd... congratz tho... for not hitting a dawg

  5. Congrats man, its been officially a year i got mines... maybe will meet on the road someday... lol

  6. Will we be able to add the update to the existing patch? I mean I'm a prologue and 5 chapters in... it's not really worth re-starting for the update but it would be nice to have it!

    1. If you mean that your save file will still be useable, it should. Don't worry. All you have to do (one the new patch is released) is to patch the clean rom again with the new file, and make sure that the .sav or .dsv file has the same name as the rom and it'll work. You won't have to restart.

      (Trust me on this one since I've made my save file work with the Japanese ROM, the 2.0.1 patch, the closed beta patch and the 3.00 patch just be renaming it.)

    2. awesome! didn't realise that! this explains why I lost my save earlier on a different game! Cheers!

  7. Congrats on your exam. I just passed mine last Thursday. xD
    And also my question is the same as Goldenflames here.

    1. You repatch a clean rom. Your old save file will still work however, as long as you rename it to whatever the new patched rom is called.

    2. just repatch on a clean ROM and replace the old one, it'll work 99% of the time (cheat code files might have to be fixed, though...)

  8. How come I can't start the game with My Unit as a male myrmidon. Is it supposed to be that way

    1. i wanted to as well, so i figured ill just change to one later.
      well im a level 20 hero now and i still change change to a swordmaster. seems certain classes are not allowed to certain characters? as one of my strongest mages refuses to become a druid

    2. There are two "Reclass sets" available to male units, which can merged by playing Hard mode or greater.

      Within those two sets, you have Mage-->Sage and Dark Mage--> Sorceror (druid), so unless you do merge those two sets, you cannot have mage/sage-->druid

    3. If you want to be a Myrmidon, you'll have to choose Cavalier, Archer or Mage at the start, then reclass to Myrmidon in Chapter 1. If you choose Fighter, Knight or Mercenary you won't be able to access Myrmidon, unless you've already cleared Hard Mode or above and unlocked the reclass merge.

      For females, starting class doesn't matter, as they all share the same reclass set anyway.

      You can find out more detail about the MU creation system at I also describe it in detail in my playthrough here: (you may wanna skip to 8:46)

  9. Quick question, any plans to release a transcript? I remember a poll about it but don't remember how the votes went.

  10. I'd like to release one, assuming none of the staff members have any objections.

    Trouble is, it's gonna take a while to format the script, since the scripts we have are full of text codes and comments, and I don't feel like doing it myself : P

    1. Excellent, I'll look forward to it whenever or if ever it comes out.

  11. i don't care... i love the patch :D

  12. hello teams friends :)! please be giving new patch soon as I am not having the love of the name ruan... it is being distracting to my sense if you know what i am meaning XD

  13. I'm happy that this'll be fixed, though honestly... I didn't notice that glitch most of the time xD;

    Gotta say, so far, this game blows Shadow Dragon out of the water. owo

  14. Nice! I'm looking forward to adding it! SO far the game is incredible!!!! I just beat the prologue (restarted a few chapters trying to get a perfect run--the dialogue seems to be different based on performance). This title might end up being my second favorite title to date! I'm really enjoying it so far!

    This is the perfect way to pass the time until Awakening comes out in North America. ^_^

  15. teams friends i cannot be helping but noticing that you are not being delivering the response of desire to my question.. :)?!

    please teams friend i am eagerly wanting to know where is the ballparking for this release being? please be giving response true and swift all the best :)!!!

    1. The reason we can't really give you a specific date is because we don't know as of yet. However, I think that the next patch will be out before 2013.

      (Also are you using Google Translate or something because the English you have up there is really unnatural.)

    2. Yeah, exactly. Although, if you're lucky, maybe this Wednesday. But no promises.


    4. Sorry, Wednesday isn't looking likely. But it shouldn't be long, maybe Thursday or Friday.

  16. I didn't complete everything and I'm not able to to play chapter 20x - 24. Is it possible to change in save file some hex values of elementstones necesery to enable after epilog?

  17. the computer science nerd within me is curious, how was the issue fixed?

    1. With a one byte fix!

      Decompressed ARM9 patch:
      00042B70: 02 00 53 E3 -> 00 00 53 E3

      This lifts the names up by 2 pixels (or un-lowers them according to the code).

    2. very interesting, thanks!


    1. So happy they finally gave us the release date.

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