Sunday, November 11, 2012

The REAL Betatesting Progress


Whoops, aren't I supposed to be dead? XP

"I've finished my run" - 4 people
"I'll finish by Monday" - 2 people
"I'm about halfway through" - 1 person

Screw you TheEnd, I finished in about 24 hours like I said... well, more like 34 hours...

I'll just say this guys: the game was amazing, but it's made me feel hella depressed, so I think I'm going to go ahead and start a 2nd, more legit run once a new patch or whatever comes out... As for why I've become emo...

"- Kill them all, bad ending Marth & MU only classic run"

And they were never heard from again.

And it doesn't help that the game has to rub it in my face that I used a cheat code to attack and kill my own characters every 3 chapters.


  1. Wait who's the halfway through person and what are they testing because I imagine you all took different paths.

  2. ouch, that was an unlucky choice...

  3. Well, when the patch comes out, I am definitely going to have to try this run. Sounds wonderfully depressing.

    1. Who knows, maybe he sustains himself on the suffering of others just as I do. I delight in torment, after all. It's quite enjoyable and delectable. I personally suggest such a diet to all who read this.

      (I still swear I'm gonna get like, a digital restraining order on me one of these days.)

  4. awww, I'm happy that Blazer make a new post, but the last post from TheEnd haven't even reach 200 replies yet...

  5. Congratulations Blazer, and here I was thinking you didn't care about the beta. I'm glad I was proved wrong.

    1. I love proving people wrong

      [s]but proving them right can be pretty fun too[/s]

  6. I knew you wouldn't be able to do it, Blazer

    1. Wait, what happened in the end? did he finish it or not?

    2. Not quite. Blazer said he'd finish his run in one day, but he did it in two.

    3. bah, that's because my parents told me I had a party saturday and I was already going to another one so I had TWO PARTIES I HAD TO GO TO and I wasn't expecting them -_- that ate up like all of Saturday >__>' *ragequit*

    4. Not entirely sure how to react to this, but okay.

      At least I don't have to attend my parent's parties while I'm on campus :|

      You poor child

  7. Are any other fans willing to pool their money together to hire a hit on the '1 person'?

    1. I won't be cheap but I'll get the job done quickly and thoroughly...

    2. inb4patch never comes out because the beta will never finish with this guy dead

    3. no,if there is one less beta tester,there is 100% more chance that they will pick someone from here!

    4. I'm vaguely reminded of this one job I had to do. This guy's wife was cheating on him so he wanted me to put a bullet in her head and a bullet in the guy's crotch.

      First time I ever got both goals with one shot.

    5. Why, did you shoot yourself?

    6. because he had a job to do

  8. I want that cheat code XD

    1. yeah, it's pretty fun until you accidentally kill Marth... -_-

  9. Oh man everybody got challenge runs? You guys need to make a listing of them when the patch is out, that sounds hardcore.

  10. That's got to be a terrible playthrough. D: I'm glad you finished though. ^^

  11. Hmm... I wonder how many possible playthroughs you have to test? A "skip all sidequests" run would be tricky to do. (It's almost impossible to miss them without intentionally trying, believe me.)

    And I forgot, are the faceless replacements in this game?

    1. yes, I even killed some of them, too, just to make sure the game was functioning properly, but eventually I gave up since they don't even have death quotes...

    2. The generics actually are in FE12? Huh, learned something new already.

  12. My run (the most standard of them all):
    - No deaths, full recruitment good ending classic run

    Yup. I love runs like that.

    1. I like Maximum Baby Bunnnies runs better. If they can pair as overs than they will! I will get as many next generation heroic babies as possible!

  13. Just starting my reminder-run of Shadow Dragon. Too scared to go any higher than 1* hard mode though.

  14. That's some pretty good news!

  15. Damn, can't wait. I personally make all my runs into a kind of "No Man Left Behind" thing where nobody dies even at 2 or 3 * hard mode.

    1. yeah, I usually let max one or two people die since restarting long-ass chapters can be pretty tiring, but I didn't have much of a choice here T_T *is still depressed*

    2. you would restart long-ass chapters if you had any honor left :|

    3. ahaha, I guess I am an honorless punk then

  16. Replies
    1. Update (someone literally finished their run 2 hours ago):

      "I've finished my run" - 5 people
      "I'll finish by Monday" - 1 person
      "I'm about halfway through" - 1 person

    2. I actually wonder who that "I'll finish by Monday" person might be

    3. I wonder too because You, Blazer, I, Pandora and Vincent have finished...

    4. doesn't that leave Martze and Agro? XP

      oh man so much for "protection of the innocent" and all that crap haha

    5. I don't think anybody else knew they were betatesting until now, though

    6. As it happens, it is Monday so theoretically we should be just waiting on one?

    7. i just hope it releases this week

  17. My dear Blazer, care to explain how exactly the game rubs in your face your code usage?

    Thanks in advance and enjoy your nice depressing memories of this run.

    1. lol, it just likes to insert these dialog things ever few chapters where Marth or Jagen talks about how many comrades have been lost

      and for me it was all like "All I can remember... is our comrades dying one-by-one... Claire... I don't want anyone to die anymore... Help me... T_T" and yet I knew that I had no choice but to keep killing everyone >_____< (Claire is the name of my MU)

      and I killed characters by using a cheat code that let me attack player units, so that just made me feel even more guilty... I mean, I got like, at least 40 kills off of Marth and Claire killing allied units, if not more... probably more, I'd guess around 60... -_-

    2. "I don't want anyone to die anymore. But I'll keep killing them anyway. For science. You monster."

    3. So how'd it feel to see someone's death quote, then that quirky experience bar and the "LEVEL UP!" fanfare? >:)
      Or did you not get EXP by killing your allies?

    4. oh no I did but I don't think I ever level'd up

      getting experience was just like "hey, this is how villains get stronger"

    5. Claire... so Blazer is a girl?

    6. no he just prefers to play as femshep

    7. jennifer hale <3

    8. I was assigned a female My Unit/Avatar in my run (I neglected to mention that in the post because it wasn't really relevant)

  18. GO Blazer GO!!! (?)

  19. I sometimes play on casual, still let nobody die in chapters but on casual you can usurp the class limit, kill all knights for example in preperation arena and reclass units to the knight cap, when next chapter starts i double units. did this to have like 20 cavalry, 10 knights, and such. anyway, interesting little bug in the game

    1. lol that's actually pretty smart

      not sure if you're the one who -found- the exploit but nice XP

    2. Wow, so single-class runs actually ARE possible? (With bug abuse) That's... interesting to know.

    3. -is anon from above-
      I cannot claim to be the first to have found it because what if somebody else did, but i did find it on my own, albiet by accident... i saw it said 19/18 mounted units and was quite confused seeing as i didn't speak Japanese. Did not help that units like the sables joined without me realizing it. yeah though, entertaining to have all of you favorite units (myrmidons in my case)

  20. Were you all given what class you had to make your MU? If not I'm curious what were your choices.

    And thanks again to the entire team that has o]put so many hours into the project.

    1. can't speak for the others but I started off as a Myrmidon which I found very challenging and then switched to a mage and a sage for some time and then to a swordmaster (Sages don't have uber speed albeit I probably didn't even need said speed given that I was playing at one of the easier difficulty levels)

    2. We could be any class but we had to choose certain characteristic's for MU when you are creating him or her.

    3. What difficulties did you guys play on?

      And I'm wondering if you're going to release the Casual Mode retreat quotes? Because I know a lot of people would be interested to see them, but the vast majority of FE sites are too hardcore to even touch Casual Mode.

    4. no, the question about your past, present, and future only determines you starting stats and stats growth.

      of course, you wouldn't want choosing a knight, cavalier, or mercenary if your MU growth only focused on magic and resistance, would you?

      for the option class, there's two pack of choice for male, and one pack of choice for female.

      too bad you can't be a male myrmidon, since it's a female-exclusive class....

    5. It's only gender exclusive at creation. As long as you're on Male Set A you can immediately change to myrmidon the moment you get the ability to reclass.

  21. Replies
    1. It's perfectly fair they're not done beta-testing now sit down and leave them alone until they're good and done at this point I'm almost tempted to tell them not to release it for an extra month JUST to piss off all you people who keep asking for it.

    2. Jesus Christ calm the fuck down. They already said they don't care about people asking for the patch and being antsy. Stop being such a white knight.

    3. I'm not the reason I'm bitching is that it's pissing ME off. I can hate people begging as much as the next guy thank you very much.

  22. Note: I believe today is VincentASM's/Aveyn Knight's birthday. 'nough said, I think.

  23. so are u guys doing any other project after this or this is ur last i read the farewell post seem the team is quiting so will this website stay ?

    1. people need to download/see the project so of course the website is going to stay

      just don't expect it to be, like... updated very often.

  24. Man, i am really curious as to what happens in the bad ending? anyone know?

    1. ***SPOILERS***

      assuming that I got the bad ending

      the clerics kill Gharnef themself somehow and uh Hardin dies and Medeus like isn't even mentioned IIRC and then Marth becomes the King of the World or something and MU becomes a hero of shadow... the end lol

      that's about all I remember, I'm sure it was a bit more dramatic than that :|

    2. If you've gotten the Good Ending though, this ending becomes really, really disturbing...

    3. I liked the way the original handled it better, since it left more room for imagination

      And huh Blazer, I think FE12's bad ending was supposed to be a little different from that, were you even reading

    4. Wait, FE12's Bad Ending is different from the original Mystery? How? (Because I'm probably never going to do a bad ending run)

    5. @TheEnd look I was tired okay? details man


      FE12's pits Marth against revived Medeus in his epilogue. FE3 just left you wondering what happened - I like to imagine Marth gets murdered in his sleep or something.

    7. I'm pretty sure I don't remember anything like that in the ending... did I really miss something here? >_< Maybe I'll go re-watch it later or something...

    8. And that's why I asked if you were reading

  25. Awesome job guys! I have one question about the downloadble content. I don't know if you could answer this, but can you download it anywhere, or only in Japan? Again, thanks for translating this!

    1. As long as you have the actual Japanese game, you can download it anywhere you have access to WiFi.

    2. Wait, do you need the real game or just the ISO?

    3. I... can't computer :/

    4. I downloaded it and we're actually testing several wi-fi based things as part of the beta test (while everything else is still being worked on).

  26. I don't know if this has been asked yet, but do the japanese action replay codes work for this game? Or did the codes change because of the translation?

    1. they should all work, but you may have to change something like a checksum depending on what cheating software you use...

  27. Replies
    1. I don't blame you

      But it's pretty much up to Vincent now

    2. Everyone's done beta testing?
      Please don't say you're delaying it because of the portrait name issue, if I really needed to know the name of who's talking I can press R.

    3. my internet's slow and i completed most of my offline games :(
      please be merciful vincent

    4. Come now, does he look like the face of mercy? We are surely doomed ;_;

    5. it's cool,i bought 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors
      i'm covered for now :3

    6. Get The Last Window (and Hotel Dusk if you don't have it) too, while you're at it. THE DS SHOULD LIVE FOREVER <3

  28. So Exciting! SO thankful to the entire team!

  29. Wow, I can''t wait to play XD!!

  30. Can I apply the patch and keep playing or do I need to start over?

    1. You'd need to transfer the save file between the two, which -should- work

    2. I've tried this myself, and it didn't work for me (the game froze) although it was on an earlier build of the patch so it might be working now. Should definitely check this out, though.

    3. it worked for me; I now have 3 saves of FE12 on my DS ._. of course I'm using a flashcart so :|

  31. So how far along is the last tester? Also, will you release it immediately after testing is finished or is there another task you have to do first?

    1. the main issue is actually fixing all the remaining issues

  32. That poor guy must be under so much pressure right now....

  33. Oh good, my OCD has gone into a new stage, im literary going to this website at least 5 times a day. NO RUSH THOUGH, schedules have to be followed.

    1. Haha holy shit me too, this is a bit obsessive...

  34. everyone please, try to understand

    when you have to use the Wolfguard, Tiki, Bantu and Yubello, playing the game becomes far less enjoyable

    that being said I should be done with my run in a few hours, give or take.

    1. But you don't even get the Wolfguard before chapter 19, and you can pretty much warpskip most of the chapters after that.

    2. you don't get warp until chapter 14 silly

    3. And that's why I only suggested warpskip for chapters 20+.

    4. I always thought using all those buyable Dragonstones on Tiki would be fun. Shame she can't benefit from Wyvern's movement anymore. And double shame about having to use the Wolfguard and Bantu. I guess you're testing the supports most players won't see. I thought you'd be using the Bond Drop for that.

      Yubello DOES have the best Mag growth out of the natural mages, so at least that's something.

  35. Did you guys ever fix that lowercase hanging text issue? If not, can we expect that'll delay the patch a bit?

    1. Hopefully not, that's just the name and nobody ever looks at that, and even if you needed to look at it you can press R to read the whole conversation with names on the touchscreen.

    2. What do you mean I can't? this is what I was talking about

  36. maybe you can update the progress page :)

    1. what is there to update? would you really have Vincent waste his time updating the progress page as opposed to finishing the game? -_-

  37. I'm so anxious right now, any chance I'll be playing it this weekend?:D
    I love you guys!

  38. I was just curious with the final chapter of DLC for Awakening being announced, and upon seeing how hard it will be what kind of reward do you think will be given upon completing it. Based upon it being the final part of the Ultimate Training chapters it will most likely be a Spirit Talisman. My question is who could it be? I have heard some people saying it is going to be the default male My Unit from New Mystery of the Emblem, but I don't think this is going to be true. It would defeat the whole purpose of My Unit in the first place, this being an avatar for the player in the game that can be customized to one's own tastes. I believe for all the hell that one will have to go through to beat this episode, the reward better be something better than Chris. I think that for the difficulty of the episode and it being the final DLC to be released, I believe that the character which will be obtained maybe none other than Link himself.
