Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's finished


Oops, wrong blonde Falcom girl

For those who still think this beta test is a waste of time:

(Pandorakun says that's easy to fix, though.)

With my test run finished, all that's left for me to do is giving opinions about last minute dialogue changes. So... yeah. All in all, translating this game was an interesting experience and I don't regret spending my time on it. However, this is likely my last big contribution to the Fire Emblem fandom.

When I started that Hasha no Tsurugi scanlation four years ago, there were barely any Japanese translators available. Now, we see the rise of youths like Agro and shadowofchaos725; there is no longer a need to rely on someone who doesn't even have English as his first language.

That said, I hope you'll enjoy this patch when it's out; it's one of the best games of the series. While Shadow Dragon isn't nearly as good, I suggest playing it while you wait so you can understand the backstory of Heroes of Light and Shadow a little better.

Or just play Ys or Trails in the Sky instead. The rest of the team agreed, don't bother them about it.

Either way, have fun guys.


  1. So what is your first language?

    1. huehuehue theend es numero uno

    2. Im gonna be brave and assume that means brazillian

    3. *portugese? or spanish

    4. brazillian spanish lol,cause they all speak spanish right

    5. Oh good lord, how I laughed when I red: huehuehue as language.

      By the way... Anão é irmão?

  2. Yay first one across the finish line.

  3. TitS SC WHEN


    Oh wait, wrong place to post this. Anyway, in regards to English not being your first language, you sure could've fooled me.

  4. so long you talk english fluent,like ya do,no one's gonna complain.
    it's fine theend,if you want,us anons can start chanting your name instead of blazer(ok that's impossible,your name TOO)

  5. COOL!

    Did you fix the lowercase problem?

    1. Blazer is working on it. Mixed results so far, though.

  6. It seems the main issues SC had were the script size (some claim it's the biggest ever) and the fact Falcom couldn't release it on PSN (since it was a 2-UMD game). But the PSN release is finally happening this week, so there's hope.

    Celceta's lack of a jump button makes me sad in my pants, dodging just isn't enough to me

    1. I could swear I was replying to anon #2, sigh

  7. I was beginning to think that you were really bored at work or something, but it's the weekend.

    Yes guys go play Trails in the Sky, and hope that Xseed can localise the sequel now that the PSN release is actually happening <3

  8. These titles are such a tease ;-;

    1. I know right, I just came from reading the betatesting thread and I was all like "YOU GUYS DIDN'T ALL FINISH BETATESTING, I JUST READ THAT YOU DIDN'T!" xD

  9. Sounds great!
    I really love FE series - played every game since GBA.
    I found this project just yesterday and can't believe I will actually have another great FE game to complete before Awakening arrives.
    Thanks for your efforts guys! Can't wait~

  10. There's something I'm curious about. How're you guys going about the actual testing process? Do you assign people to play through the game a certain way? Like, for one person to kill off certain characters, to make sure that any changed dialogue for the absence of said characters is checked?

    1. that's... pretty accurate, yeah. we (TheEnd actually did most of the management, since I retired lol) pretty much had each player accommodate for certain variations in text with everyone just playing the game in general and whatnot :|

      [s]and i'm too busy for this so i'm still on chapter 1[/s]

    2. hey i used the strikethrough BBCode, you know what that means

  11. Can't wait to play it! You guys have done an awesome job!

  12. TheEnd no sallllllgaaaaaaaaaaaaaas el fandom!! Nooo (shot)

    Anyway, we're getting there everyone (lol Blazer's on chapter 1 while I'm at 11... OTL)

    1. I can beat this game at any time by just staying up all night playing it, I'm not really worried lol

    2. rawr

      then can I make a blog post about how I did it? :P

    3. Go ahead

      I can't make more updates after posting this, after all

      (Just don't post spoilers)

  13. Kanpai, I`ve been supporting this for a while now. It`s amazing to see how far you guys have come and I hope that I`ll be able to play the game soon.

  14. When I saw this I was like OMGOMGOMGIT'SFINIIIIIIIIIIIISHED!!!!!!!!!!!

    Or not. You are indeed a proffesional troll. Still looking forward to this though. I've been planning an LP for quite some time (since it came out in Japan, actually) and you can rest assured when I get to it I will be gushing about how awesome the game is and how awesome you guys are.

    I'd just like to mention I was a huge fan of your Hasha no Tsurugi manga translation, I'd always eagerly await the next installment: your work on that was awesome. And I'm sure this is gonna be just as good.

    This is getting long, but one more thing: to those who want to play SD to better understand this game, you might still be confused. That's because New Mystery treats all the SD sidequests as canon (EXCEPT 24x), but also takes it as canon that everyone survived. Obviously these two are mutually exclusive in SD itself. What I'd recommend is to play through SD normally, then read the scripts of the sidequests on Serenes Forest. (Apart from Athena all the sidequest characters suck anyway, so it's not a big loss. Most got better in the sequal though.)

  15. ARG, stop messing with me!! Haha...

    Hey, I work on a site known as the Nintendo Kingdom ( and I was wondering if I could interview one of you about this project (preferably one of the team leaders). If any of you are up for it, can you just go to the contact form on my site, and send me a quick message (just so none of our email addresses get out to the public). The interview would only consist of 10 to 15 questions. It wouldn't be anything too professional, more for the fans than for anything else. If you guys aren't up for it, I understand, however, if you are please just say so. That'd be awesome!

  16. Finally... If only, there was a way to reward the team for their work ='(

    1. lol utroll

      [s]there's a donation button but technically speaking we haven't really used it for anything but the domain yet[/s]

    2. I'll make a big donation if my name gets plastered across the site with some shiny contribution title XD

  17. You can be a real jerk off sometimes,
    We want blazer back.

    1. That's not nice, Anon! Gratitude and all that!

    2. I'm sorry. I'm grateful that you're such a jerk off sometimes i now realise you were trying to keep us occupied because you know that we're coming here daily and just wanted to give us something to humor ourselves with.
      But in saying we want blazer back i didn't want you to leave i just want blazer back :(

    3. You have nothing to apologize for. TheEnd gets his kicks by trolling and being a dick. Thank the team as a whole, not one member who has shown himself to be struggling with puberty several times already.

      Blazerbros forever.

    4. I'm glad I'm not the only manchild around here, at least.

    5. TheEnd you are awesome and this was one of the biggest heart tearing moments of my life. However, after swearing for 2 minutes straight I realized I would be doing the same in your position.Oh and the blond Falcom girl was funny as hell

    6. @Basjohn lol, ouch, you're hurting my feelings. is this another stage of puberty? the stage where I'm oversensitive [s]to trolls[/s]? XDD

      regardless I appreciate all the humor, it's been a blast. I will kind of miss it.

    7. I really like you basjohn haha thanks for seeing
      backing my thoughts. It's sad you weren't on the team
      certain ''hype'' about you xD

      Blazerbros forever. :3

    8. seeing my pov, and backing my thoughts*
      there's a certain ''hype about you. XD*

      Never thought i'd gramma nazi myself must be the
      lack of sleep or hype.

    9. Basjohn. TheEnd did the majority of the translating. He can troll as much as he wants. So shut up.

    10. Turtleman579. I agree with your statement regarding TheEnd having the majority of the translating to his name and may also troll as much as he wants. But in saying that i also beleive BasJohn has the right to ''bitch'' as often as he likes. I am the same anon involved in this conversation, and though i do encourage you to reply as i beleive in freedom in speech please save yourself the trouble of a failed rebuttle stating that we should be more grateful of the work and effort this team as put in, as that topic is irrelevant.

      Thank you,
      Regards Anon.

    11. Failed? Perhaps. Irrelevant? Hardly. Demanding is the opposite of showing gratitude. He's demanding. Relevance.

  18. CHEER!!!!!!!!!
    It's finally time to wait for patch to come out instead of time to wait for it to have a chance to come out

  19. it's good to know that they are taking the time to make sure that there are no gamebreaking flaws or any "all your bases are belong to us" lines of dialogue, this game is really good and i'm glad they are putting in the effort to get it right. my only hope is that the "my unit" doesn't sound like too much of a blind follower in an english translation, i hate his empty slave personality lol.

    1. I'm afraid MU's personality is fairly generic. He/she is mostly there so others can have someone they can talk to.

      This is a fan translation, so we can't quite spice it up. Sorry.

  20. Ugh. I had been replaying SD again in preparation for this patch, but I quit a few chapters in when it slowly dawned on me that ALL MY UNITS WERE TERRIBLE except like Caeda, Navarre, Julian, and Merric. That's it. I mean, there's not much to the story, right? Evil earth dragon comes back and sides with evil mage to take over the world, brave hero thwarts them. Am I missing anything, really?


      Although, strictly speaking, you could accuse a lot of the games of doing that, not only in FE but also in general. I mean, FE7 (I think; the one with Eliwood and Lyn); Evil sorcerer wants to summon dragons back to Earth so he can drain their essence and take over the world, and band of plucky young adventurers thwart him. FE Radiant Dawn; Evil Empire wishes to wake the Goddess (unclear as to why), band of plucky young adventurers stop them. Final Fantasy 13; Fal'cie wish to destroy Cocoon to summon their god back to them, and a band of plucky young adventurers stop them. *shrug*. Seems pretty standard to me.

    2. the dawn brigade was incredibly annoying :|

    3. *shrugs* Eh, the Dawn Brigade had potential, but because of their low availabilty they sucked. Greil Mercenaries vs DB = FAIL. It's rather...sad. lol

    4. It depends how hard you work...if you concentrate on training one or two of them up rather than all of them, they can be quite effective. For instance, Micaiah at level 20, then up, then 20 is a beast, as is Edward. But my favourite character (and toughest) by far was Haar. The only thing that damaged him was Thunder magic, and even that only did 2 points of damage...and he had something like 60 or 70 by the end of it. XD

    5. Touche...:) And yeah, Haar is pretty beast. I've used him alot in all of my playthroughs on RD. He kills pretty much everything in just one hit. Its absolutely insane and most of his stats max out for me. XD I call him the angel of death because of that.

    6. micaiah is like boringgg-est main ever
      couple that with her speed never raising for me and she being forced AND FORCING SOTHE TOO
      yeah,fail brigade.
      jill and nolan are the exception,they never cease to end up great for me,especially jill

    7. The Dawn Brigade chapters are my favourite parts of Radiant Dawn :'(

    8. I feel that Agro, I like that part the most too.

      But that's mostly because of Micaiah being incredibly hot.

    9. I initially thought the Dawn Brigade sucked as well. But then i played RD again after a few years...and i liked the Dawn Brigade chapters the most.

      Why ? Because with them you actually had to plan and think, and i always liked when you begin with low lvl characters and raise them up.

      Now, in the Elincia chapters you just rush and blaze through everything ( except the endgame one) with already promoted characters, some with very high level.

      In Part 3 with Ike you got the best characters with the best growths, already halfway to Tier 3 promotion, but they were the characters i mained the previous game.

      If wasn't for the complete lack of supports and more interaction with characters, the Dawn Brigade could have been pretty good. And Micaiah being a goddess and w/e pretty much sucked.

      In this run i actually managed to promote all of the Dawn Brigade in Part 1, except Laura, and Meg and Fiona ( which i couldn't used because they came so underleveled i didn't even bothered ). And the DB turned out pretty good and playable.
      It's just that the Greil Mercenaries became incredibly overpowered in RD. And Haar as well.

    10. Wha... why are we talking about the Dawn Brigade?

    11. Basically, the Dawn Brigade are harder to use, but they are usable. I like a challenge, so I try to use them as often as possible.
      And, guy above me, why not?

    12. Oh, I agree. Meg can go die - she was useless - but the rest of them, if you take the time, can be pretty badass. It's difficult to get all of them up...what you need to do is resist the temptation to solo the map with TBK. XD

  21. You guys are amazing!
    Thank you so much for all your work ^_^

  22. Anyone who is even on this site waiting for the FE12 release has already beaten shadow dragon and washed the aftertaste out with Listerine

    1. I played through Shadow Dragon when I heard the translation for this was getting started.

      I am not doing it again.

    2. WTF is with this irrational hatred of SD? It's not even a BAD game, it's just underwhelming when compared to other FEs.

    3. It's not that I hate SD, it was just disappointing. I wouldn't hate the original for not being up to par with recent FE titles because it was made in the 80s but if they're redoing it to be on par with the recent titles, they gotta take what the more recent games did right and work with that also.

      Kind of like this game :P

    4. play the new xcom if you wanna itch that turn based strategy,not SD

    5. SD isn't BAD, especially if you remind yourself that it's a faithful remake of a NES game. xD

    6. I bet you're one of those fags that still thinks FE7 is the best game in the series.

    7. I used to

      then FE13 came out

      FE12 was hella good but I can't actually read any Japanese besides names so the story wasn't exactly epic or moving -_-

    8. Remakes are tough. If you leave it how it was, people complain it's not up-to-date and call it a bad game. If you update it, people say it's too unfaithful to the original and call it a bad remake.
      SD wasn't nearly as fun as the others in the series, but I think the main appeal was supposed to be in the nostalgia. Nostalgia most Americans aren't in on...

    9. We've already translated the story for you Blazer


  23. So very excited. Between this and part 9 of the Youtube Fire Emblem Retrospective...I JUST CAN'T WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTT.

    But I will.

  24. Hip Hip. Hooooooooooray~~!

  25. Srsly. Trolling your fanbase repeatedly is pretty juvenile.

    1. I didn't see the big deal myself. Then again, I'd probably be doing the same thing.

    2. Geez, stop being a such a baby. The team's put hundreds of hours of their own free time into bringing this game to you. They're entitled to have some fun.

    3. Well considering some of them are still in high school, I'd say juvenile is par for the course.

    4. Can you guys leave poor Basjohn alone? He was obviously just playing around...

    5. I think only Illumio's in HS lololol

    6. I woulnd't say "obviously." That's not the sense I got. I'd give my usual "ingrateful jerks" rant, but TheEnd's response was so epic that I no longer feel the need.

  26. First i was
    then i clicked download and then i was

    pls dont toy with my little heart xD

  27. Every time I see this when I open the page I get a little excited the remember, oh ya End is just a douche QQ

    1. lol, the more you QQ, the better of a troll he feels lol

    2. Blazer quit playing forum whore and finish your game -.-

    3. You already know who to blame if our release gets delayed!

    4. November 9th: Everyone finishes the beta.
      November 25th: End shuts down the webpage so Blazer can focus.
      November 26th: Blazer completes chapter one.
      November 27th: Final patch released.

      The Mayan prediction of the games arrival is coming true >.>

  28. Hey, would it be possible for me to interview TheEnd or Blazer on the work of this project for my site? It'd be really awesome if one of you would be up for it!

    1. we're discussing it

      I suggested Vincent or TheEnd, throw an e-mail my way and I'll forward it to them so they can get in contact with you (or if you don't mind making it public, throw it here, or lastly, just PM them on SerenesForest, the former created the site and the latter visits often enough)

      blazer dot feshrine dot net

    2. You can contact me at jta777[at]rocketmail[dot]com (Change [at] with @ and [dot] with .)
      Just delete this comment once you guys read it so I don't get spammed or anything. Thanks so much for agreeing to this!

    3. Aveyn created Serenes Forest?! Mind=blown. O_O

    4. *Trolls Lucero's Email with Viagra pill ads and w/e other junkmail people get these days.

  29. you guys are dicks

    1. Jesus Christ. Some of you individuals need to take a chill pill. TheEnd and the rest of the team have put many many MANY hours of work on this project, so they're entitled to having a bit of fun. You need to have a sense of humor. The patch is coming out soon anyhow, and while I'm pretty anxious myself to play it, getting all riled up and insulting people is pointless. Ergo, there's no need to have a conniption about it.

      ....Sorry for the rant. That was a bit ridiculous I know, but some of the comments on this page erked me.

    2. If you think they're being bad, try following the Tales of Hearts fan translation. Kajitani Eizan is such a promoted Master Troll, it's impossible to tell which features he's going to keep in and which ones to take out. He's a trolling GENIUS.

    3. It's all in good fun Dark, I don't think anyone is genuinely butthurt at End about this, I think it's more of a hahaha... F**k You kinda thing.

    4. Ah...Wow I feel stupid. Lol

  30. Good job HoS team

    btw, just started playing FE : SD, and I was totally baffled...

    I mean, you need to sacrifice characters here and there to recruit a character or to entering Gaiden chapter? what the heck?

    but overall, the system and graphics are quite good, although no support system makes it less interesting, but another factor that makes me expecting the FE shin monsho no nazo more and more...

    and another, for me, somehow Marth is too bland here, with no class upgrade whatsover, mediocre stats except hp and defense (damn, he's almost invincible to normal units), and final weapon that comes too late (although the Falchion's unlimited durability were quite nice)

    1. Marth is much, MUCH better in this game. His Skill base is much higher so he's no longer suceptible to being screwed in that area, for one. His growths are also better. Seriously, just go to SF and compare his averages in SD to his averages in NM. You'll see a huge difference.

      He also gets a permenant +2 to everything towards the end, which exceeds his caps (and lets him avoid getting doubled by Loony Medeus) Of course him getting it means no-one else can use the +2 everything item, but oh well.

    2. Is his personality any different? I always found the Marth in SD very dry and uninteresting, and I read that in this game his personality is more like in the OVA.

    3. no, I'm not saying that Marth is a bad unit (I said he's always almost invincible, didn't I?), but it's just that even after getting falchion, you couldn't see any changes, which I kinda hoped after seeing Roy with SoS, Eliwood with Durandall, Eirika with Sieglinde (at least the screen flashes), and Uke with I-forgot-its-name.

      It's just ol' Marth doing downslash-upperslash all over again. They didn't even bother making any flash at all

    4. Actually i'm pretty sure his personality is changed to being more childlike and innocent like he was in the first two games. Iirc, the only reason Marth even acted like that in SD was because of the way he was in brawl.

    5. first game and the third you mean?

      and what I meant is his in-battle character, not personality

  31. Keep up the great work!!! It's almost done and over!!! :D

  32. Question for the Translators or people who have played this game.... Do you have to sacrifice people to get other people or in certain spots like in SD?

    1. Nope, no blood sacrifices here. (In fact, the game even mocks you at certain points if you let too many units die.)

    2. ah good was worried all my time watching this translation was in vain... since after all that is what made me not like shadow dragon.

    3. The game mocks you? Are Wymp, Laim, Lucer and Awffle back?

    4. No, I mean stuff like this:

    5. you know you're bad at the game when even JAGEN says you're bad

  33. None of the extra chapters require you to kill off any of your teammates, and all the chars can be recruited I think.

    So no, you don't have to kill any of the characters to get extra chapters or other characters in New Mystery of The Emblem. :]

    1. well, that would make some plot holes here and there though...

      I mean, at least for Frey, they make it that he's the canon sacrifice in the prologue (which is the reason he didn't appear in Hard Mode), but what about Norne, who somehow seemed like she did her part in Shadow Dragon? or Athena? and for all we know, unless there's enough character died, Norne wouldn't show up, and you can't get gaiden chapter...

    2. Frey isb;t A plot hole. In A support conversation we found out that he was saved by one of the whitewings (Don't remember which one. MI think it was Palla?) and survived from his wounds.

    3. no, I mean that even if you let Frey died in the prologue, it can be conned that he's another sacrifice, so he can't be considered as a plot hole.
      Other character who really died when you tried getting gaiden character is one though

    4. I posted earlier about this issue. Essentially New Mystery retcons out all the sidequest requirements. It follows on from an alternate Shadow Dragon where all the sidequests were visited, but nobody died. Even though that's not possible for the player to recreate.

      Marth recognises and remembers meeting all the sidequest characters except Nagi. Yeah, it's kind of a plot hole, but it's pretty much the developers realising: "Yeah, what were we thinking?" and pretending it never happened.

  34. Why does everyone involved in this translation use such edgy nicknames?

    1. Pandorakun is edgy?


    2. well, Pandora is kinda edgy

      at least in saint seiya

  35. OMG ITS OUT!.... not. :D

  36. How many have finished?

    1. So, you changed something or not?

    2. Of course not. Why would we fix bugs and mistakes we find? That would make the beta test meaningful.

    3. So you did find them then. (aside from that picture up there)

    4. How many beta testers are there(to give us an estimate of the time remaining)?

    5. depends on how long it takes to fix the issues more than anything else, if you ask me

  37. Hey I was just curious are there unique support endings in this game?

    1. As far as I can tell, nope. The support conversations between pairs of non-MU characters are generally very good though.

      I read somewhere that a few MU supports have romantic undertones, but I never did any of them in my playthrough. (Unless you count Feena/Male!MU, but that's basically them both trolling eachother) Norne/Male!MU is apparently an option, and Female!MU gets hit on by Samto. I don't know if there are any others. (I will laugh so hard if Elleren/Female!MU is an option)

      But again, no endings, and no 'waifu' system like Awakening.

    2. There are only a couple minor variations, depending on character survival - and even then, less than you'd expect...

    3. Oh yeah, forgot those. They were in the original too though, weren't they?

    4. damn that Awakening for only available for 3DS...

      and finally there's MU in Shin Monsho, why didn't they implement ending-affecting-support system like they did on FnT, RnK, and SS?

      well, waifu system basically .///.

  38. Ran into this blog about a month or so ago, been following since with great anticipation.

    Thank you, the team, for such a selfless work of this magnitude.

    P.S. Some people leaving comments are utter assholes, and TheEnd's significant contribution to the project deserves far more respect.

  39. Please god post it already I want to play :(

  40. I know how you feel, i come here at least 3 times a day, but rest assured it's coming !

    When i look back and first saw this project...damn that was like 2 and a half years ago, we didn't even knew if one day it was gonna be it's mere hours or days away.

    Thanks to everyone involved in this, you guys are really the symbol o perseverance.

  41. Will it be out this weekend? I'd like to know so I can stop refreshing all day

    1. lol you should be able to subscribe or follow the website and get updates that way

    2. it's like you don't know the burden of our wait :(

    3. I know. Which is why I made an effort to translate quickly and test quickly.

    4. stop being nice theend,it's creepy

    5. That's the only niceness you'll get from me

    6. Can we get any sympathy from you then?

    7. That's NTG's job

      And she kinda quit

  42. Guys, I know it's tough to wait for it to be released, especially considering how long it's been in the making...but surely you realise that posting endless comments about how anxious you are and demanding they post it soon, no matter how well-intentioned you are, is going to hold them up. We've waited for two and a half years...surely another few days aren't going to hurt much, right?

    1. True, absolutely true...

    2. chill, let them have their fun. we don't mind. we don't rage just because people are getting a little antsy. we're getting a little antsy too. we've all been waiting just as long as if not longer than you (probably longer in my case since I started this translation before the game was even officially released in Japan, lolol) but we know that people will have a hard time updating patches etc. so we want to make this as complete and perfect a release as possible to minimize how much work we have to do after the fact when everybody's already downloaded it and started playing XP

  43. You guys are amazing.
    After all the effort you have put into this i really want you to know just how happy you have made so many people.

  44. Now, if only you guys could translate Ace Attorney Investigations 2 :p

    1. it's actually being translated already

    2. Here is the link to the translation:

    3. Last I checked, I was head translator on that project. I should really stop being distracted by this and get back to them before they think I'm dead.

    4. LOLOLOL

      I want the translation :D

    5. We're currently about 60% of the way through Case 3 (out of 5), but since it's by far the longest case in the game we're well over half way. Localization is pretty much 99% done for Case 1 and last I checked they were starting to insert. They're thinking of releasing case-by-case patches for those who aren't patient enough to wait for the whole thing.

      I'm wondering how much text that game has compared to this one. It's a visual novel, so just about the entire game is text. But then again, this game has 300+ support convos. I'd still hazard a guess and say AAI2 is more text-heavy though. (Also, unlike FE, you can't play the game without understanding the text)

  45. argh....
    for those who chose to play Shadow Dragon while waiting for the translation, never ever skip the enemy's turn

    it took me about 5 stage until I realize that Nabarl have already dead

    1. I know that in this game the skipping stops if someone dies (and shows their death). Not sure if this happened in SD.

    2. Why would you skip enemy turn in the first place?

    3. confirming BigKlingy's comment

      and because it can be long to watch XP

  46. I sometimes accidentally skip the enemy's turn when I want to skip some battle animations. Sometimes I don't feel like watching a few of them, so I start mashing start. I know I can turn them off, but I'm too lazy to switch between off and on.

  47. Why are so many people being such dicks it isn't released yet, be happy they are nice enough do to any translation for those who can't speak japanase at all. Show some appreciation dammit.

    1. their purpose is to translate in my service

    2. I dont think people are really being dicks...they are just anxious. A wait of 2 and a half years is coming to an end.

  48. What is this? No one allowed you to translate this game! Expect a cease and desist order in the next few days!

    1. impossibruuuu a toranslation we no know about,CEASU ANDO DESISTO.

    2. Best explains this is a joke, because surely there are many who want to kill you...

    3. I hope this is nothing more than a stupid comment. If you are really NOA, you have alienated a lot of (worldwide) FE fans by not localizing this game.

      The HoS have worked their butts off in translating it, and I applaud them for doing so.

    4. If NoA really were to issue a Cease and Desist, they'd do it. Not comment on the blog.
      I mean, if you're gonna troll dude, at least do it right.

  49. Out of curiosity, do you guys have any data of how many bugs/crashes you found ?

  50. I'm kinda curious any huge bugs so far? Well besides the one that caused the crash four lines in?

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