Friday, July 20, 2012

Challenge time!


Can you spot any Japanese text in these screenshots?


  1. No japanese text in any of the screenshots you post, so, good job! Keep going! I can't wait to play this game in full english, you have my support!

  2. Absolutely none. You are an angel of translation.

  3. Wow! I've gotta say those look amazingly beautiful and have a very professional look about them!


    1. the same could be said of me and FE13... T_T

    2. ...except I'm slightly less generic than you. XD

    3. Dracula: Perhaps the same could be said of all fans...

    4. Richter: Your words are as empty as your downloads page! Mankind ill needs a translator such as you!

    5. Dracula: What is a translator?!!!

      *Dracula tosses a goblet which shatters upon impact with the floor*

      Dracula: A miserable little pile of projects with no release dates! But enough talk. Have at you!

  5. If you look hard enough, the title of the gray book is in Japanese...

  6. well i don't see anything , but i wanna say your translation seems very well done ,me and my Morrocan friends are waiting so much for this patch , and it would be the greatest thing i knew if you finished it this summer !

  7. Uh..... on the books? /hopeful
    On a side note, I finally figured out why my characters kept coming back to life! Hurrah!

  8. So.. is the game almost fully translated/edited now? will we see it in the next few weeks?

    1. so

      are people going to stop asking this question

      will we see a stop to it in the next few weeks?

    2. Well, dude...
      People are gonna keep asking it until it arrives, so I'd just do my best to ignore them.

      Keep at it! You're doing a great job!

    3. cool dudes reply with soon™ you don't want to stop being cool right blazer?

  9. Joke's on us, we've been speaking Japanese our entire lives, and what we think is Japanese is actually English!

  10. This Is Incredible im so psyched for this and will keep me busy until awakening is out if Nintendo see this maybe they will release it Worldwide (fingers crossed)

    1. Why do you want Nintendo to release it worldwide when these guys have spent so much time translating it? That'd make all this a bit pointless.

    2. Probably because Nintendo would not be able to get any monies, seeing how we will (hopefully) get a free translation here. This way Nintendo will learn to RELEASE OVERSEAS IN TIME.

    3. If they released it over here and they didnt make much money on it. Than that would have the reverse effect you say and they wouldn't release others over here. simple logic if something makes money make more of it if something doesnt make money you drop it like a dead weight.

  11. Holy crap! This is awesome! So glad you guys are chugging along on this!!! :D :D :D

  12. i want to say $·"$"·%"%... but i can't xD

    This is freaking Awesome!

    1. Double Post... why, in the fifth screen says "Wireless Play" and in the sixth says "Play Wireless" =)

    2. That's something I'm going to fix- it should both say "Play Wirelessly". :)

  13. NONE!!!!!!! This Amazing :) :)

  14. what difficulty would you recommend playing it on for a person who's played all the fire emblems released in english and also FE6.

    It looks like there are a lot of difficulty choices to choose from but I still havent played the game so I can't decide which one I'm gonna choose when the translation gets released

    1. normal/classic mode, you'll have the most fun, I think

      Unless you're very good at FE, then go hard

      I'd say anything higher up is for second playthroughs, once you already know what's going on, what characters are good, what to expect (to some point), etc. :|

    2. Screw normal, go classic hard 1

    3. classic hard 1 or easymodo.jpg

  15. I'm a little curious about the four New Archanea Saga chapter names. Is the plan at this point for them to remain in this truncated form? Is there simply not enough room to use their slightly longer full names, even with the half-width font? I can see that definitely being the case with the "By the Sword" DLC chapter, but eh, "By the Sword" is a much better title for it anyway.

    1. I don't think there's anything we can do about. Also, if I were you I wouldn't just go assuming the squished font can be used here, at least without screwing up :P. I'll bring it up once to see what everyone thinks though...

  16. Is this where we sing your praises? Fo srs.

  17. I look at the Progress and only wonder why you wont release a patch of whats completed so far.

    1. Because...

      they decided the next patch would be the complete patch.


      if it's not complete, they won't release the patch.

      (this is old news!)

    2. Old news but new people.

    3. Unknown, I look at your question and I wonder if you have two brain cells to rub together.

    4. Okay guys, no need to insult each other.

      The progress page has always been hilariously outdated, I'm afraid Blazer and Vincent gave up on it completely. >_>

    5. @TheEnd
      It's not about the progress page, but about an intermediary patch (a patch that contains all progress so far)

      @Anonymous from July 25, 2012 6:01 AM
      I look at your insult, and I wonder what you define as: "rubbing two brain cells together".
      The fact that heroesofshadow won't release the next patch unless it's complete, isn't something you can know by thinking, or as you say it: "rubbing two brain cells together".

      Intelligence and knowledge have always been two separate entities.
      The last time I've heard someone mix the two, was when I was listening to the radio, when the journalist asked a few 6 year-old what "intelligence" means.

      - "Someone's intelligent, when he knows tons of stuff, like my daddy, I think."
      That was cute, but in your case it's not.

    6. read the FAQ

      look at the "last updated" page

      TheEnd, don't blame us, you can update it too [s]you lazy bum[/s] :P

    7. What, I can? I never knew, that's why I always asked

    8. eh, now that you mention it... I don't know lol

      I figured you could though

    a release schedule by nintendo,now lookit here at the 3ds part:

    Fire Emblem (temp title) — 2012 2013

    we might be getting fe3ds this year :3
    (can we stop arguing about pointless things now? :( )

    1. FE13 is coming out in PAL regions, which is probably why it says 2012/2013. Also the link is broken.

    2. i'm dumb and copied the incomplete link,but here ya go
      yeah i doubt it will come in 2012,but hey,there's still hope!

  19. I do see some untranslated things on the background image :P
    The text in the books is almost impossible to translate so they are still in Japannesse

    1. alright, the joke's old now ._.

    2. but i was serious about that !!!!!

  20. Absolutely beautiful! Keep up the great work!!! ^_^

  21. This is great, but it would be extremely nice if you could put a note directly on the screenshots section, as I spent a good hour looking up roms, patching them, opening them, and then repeating the process. >.>

  22. So will this be done before summers over?

    1. may happen but then again translating takes its time so everything is perfect. better to have a good job done right than a job that's been rushed and full of mistakes

  23. Looking eagerly forward to whenever this is finished. No rush, though. I have Pokémon Conquest's 30+ stories and the other Japanese Fire Emblems to keep me occupied for a good while.

  24. I am incredibly excited about this project and I am feeling quite a surge of nostalgia seeing some of the names on here.

    NTG and TheEnd, I don't know if you all remember me from what I think was 9 years ago but I'm LordSigurd from the old FESS forums and I am super excited to see you both working on this project :D

  25. This is great! You guys are doing a wonderful job with the graphical editing.

    This is kind of unrelated but regarding FE13: I heard someone claim that the official European release date is January 25, 2013. Any info to support this claim?

    Anyways, keep up the good work with this project!

  26. hows the progress coming along?

    1. it's like this
      they finished the translation of the script and whatnot and are now proofreading all of it,there are also still some imagehacking to be done
      after all that the beta tests that have yet to start and after ALL that,the translation is ready to be distributed.

    2. it would be cool to have a progress report every few days or so instead of being kept in the dark.

      that being said i'll gladly do some beta testing /wink

    3. what do you think we do sit on our computers the whole day working on this so we can progress reports out? >___>' I do this in my limited free time, sometimes I don't work on this for weeks, other times I sacrifice my social life to get shit done, and there's probably a similar situation for everyone else on the team

      in other words I don't mean to be rude with my lazy uncensored typing but we have better things to do than to make a progress report every few days and to well, even do that much work... >_>' trust me, when something important actually happens, we let you know (and sometimes even when it doesn't, we still let you know... just look at half my posts lol), you're not really being kept in the dark on anything important related to this translation~

    4. While it can be a bit boring for us all to check up on the progress every day with no changes, the team have no actual obligations to finish this project. It's not their job, so we have to just let them get it done in their own time.

    5. chill blazer,just go with "when it's done"
      you're right though

    6. "what do you think we do sit on our computers the whole day working on this so we can progress reports out? >___>' I do this in my limited free time, sometimes I don't work on this for weeks, other times I sacrifice my social life to get shit done, and there's probably a similar situation for everyone else on the team"

      Yes I expect you to write a report every .5 seconds if not I WILL BRING DOWN THE WRATHS OF THE EVIL MONKEYS THAT LIVE IN THE CLOSET AND POINT!! also... what is this social life you talk of?

  27. Honestly I think people who keep asking for updates should be blocked from getting the translation whenever its done. There is absolutely no excuse at this point to still be asking and pestering the staff.

    1. k now that's too much haha,pp are just curious most don't read the blog too much so they ask.

    2. So, because people don't want to read its acceptable to badger the staff who are working their butts off to get this game translated? I really don't think this is the case, they shouldn't have to put up with a bunch of idiots who refuse to read whats already been said multiple times, especially those who essentially demand that the staff work faster or release an interim patch because they are so entitled to a translation patch they didn't assist the slightest on.

    3. I don't think it would be possible to prevent those people from getting the patch. The only way I can think of is for them to just not release the patch at all. But then that wouldn't be fair for the rest of us who are actually patiently waiting.

    4. Maybe they don't mean anything bad when they ask, but are just curious? It's been a few days since the last update, so I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for one. I'm not saying we have to get an update, but I understand that some people want to know how much progress has been made since the last one.

  28. افضل شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض   من الطبيعي أن تجد المنازل قد اتسخت أو مُلئت بالغبار و الأتربة مع مرور الوقت خاصة مع تغيرات الفصول .. مما يزيد نسبة الإصابة بالأمراض لذا فإن عملية التنظيف بالنسبة للمنزل بما في ذلك الجدران و السلالم و المفروشات.
    لاشك أن الأطفال يفضلون كثيرا اللعب في المسابح خاصة في الأوقات شديدة الحرارة في فصل الصيف.
    لكن ذلك يعقبه اتساخ في أرضية المسبح أو في مياهه وتزداد هذه المشكلة تعقيدا حينما يكون حجم المسبح كبيرا الأمر الذي يجعل المنزل أو الفيلا تبدوا بمظهر خارجي أقل جمالا ورونقا .
    تضمن الشركة تقديم خدمات التنظيف الشاملة للمسبح وبمعدات و أدوات صيانة على أعلى مستوى من الجودة والنقاوة
    إن جميع أشكال المسابح تفتقر إلى عزل وهذا لقيام مؤسسة عزل المسابح والحمامات بالرياض بحفظ المسابح وإطالة عمرها كما أنها تمنع التسربات التى قد تتم بأحجام هائلة أو يتم إهدارها , كما أنه مع القيام بعملية مؤسسة عزل المسابح والحمامات بالرياض يحاول أن المحافظة على المواد التى تستخدم لتنظيف وتعقيم المسابح والتى يتم وضعها لتنقية المسابح من مختلَف الجراثيم أو البكتيريا والتى قد كان سببا الضرر القوي للإنسان والذى يكون له إحتكاك مباشر مع المسابح وغيره .
    الأمر الذي يسبب له الأمراض التى تتغاير شدتها وخطورتها ولذا الداعِي يلزم الإهتمام بقيام بعملية شركة عزل مسابح بالرياض وجعلها وجوب قسوة , والحرص على القيام بها قبل إستعمال المسبح , وهذا لتجنب إنتشار الميكروبات والجراثيم و البكتيريا والتى قد كان سببا الأمراض والحساسية لأشخاص الشخص والمجتمع والعائلة خاصة الأطفال وكبار العمر .

    بما في ذلك من شفط وتنظيف و تعقيم و أيضا علاج حالات التسرب التي قد تحدث أحيانا بعد تصميم المسبح
    تعد عملية ضرورية و يجب أن تتم من حين إلى آخر و بصفة دورية.
    تختص شركتنا بكافة أعمال التنظيف المنزلية ,والتي قد تتطلب مجهودا بدنيا شاقا قد يعجز أفراد الأسرة عن إنجازه وبشكل احترافي بما في ذلك تنظيف الجدران و الرخام و المفروشات و المسابح و حتى الحديقة مع إزالة الروائح الكريهة و رش المبيدات الحشرية .… اقرأ المزيد

    المصدر: شركة تنظيف مسابح بالرياض

  29. افضل أما الخدمة التي سنتحدث عنها الآن هي من أهم الخدمات التي تتشرف شركة تنظيف قصور بالرياض   بتقديمها لعملائها ,وهي تنظيف مجالس سواء في المنازل أو الشقق أو الفلل او القصزر

    لأننا جميعاً نعرف أهمية اجتماعات العائلة في هذه المجالس التي تميز نا عن غيرنا من البلاد والدول ,فلابد أن تكون هذه المنازل على قدر عالي من النظافة والجمال والذي لابد وأن يتناسب مع أهمية المدعوين لهذه المجالس ,حتى يستمتع عملائنا باجتماعاتهم العائلية في جو نظيف وهادئ ومريح يليق بهم… اقرأ المزيد

    المصدر: شركة تنظيف قصور بالرياض

    شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض   عند تجمع الأتربة على أقمشة الكنب أو اتساخها بالبقع التي يصعب إزالتها فإن ذلك يبعث على النفس نوعا من الانزعاج ,و عدم الراحة خاصة مع هبوب العواصف الرملية و تجمع الأتربة الأمر الذي يزيد المشكلة تفاقما ويزيد النتائج سوء .

    من أهم الخدمات التي تقدمها هي تنظيف السجاد والذي هو من أهم القطع التي يحتوي عليها أي منزل ,وهي ما تقوم بإظهار جمال كل قطع الأثاث في المنزل.

    وفي حالة ما كان هذا السجاد مستخ أو به أي بقع أو شوائب سيفسد كافة المنظر حتى إذا كان المنزل بأكمله نظيف.

    فتقوم شركتنا بتنظيف السجاد باستخدام مجموعة من المساحيق والأدوات العالية الجودة للحفاظ على هذا السجاد من التلف وإعادته نظيفاً وجديداً مره أخرى

    تتخصص في تنظيف الكنب مع جميع أنواع أقمشته تنظيفا تاما وأرجعاها جديدة كأول مرة قد اشتريته مع الحفاظ على كافة أنواع المنسوجات التي تتخلل الكنبة و ما تحتويه من ألوان و رسومات كل ذلك تقدمه الشركة وبأسعار في متناول يد العميل بإذن الله .

    يمكنك الاعتماد علينا في إتمام عملية التنظيف و على أعلى مستوى ان شاء الله لما تتمتع به الشركة من خبرة طويلة ورضاء لكل عملائها الكرام … اقرأ المزيد

    المصدر: شركة تنظيف كنب بالرياض جميع الاحياء
